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IRIS - der MorphOS Email-client


Kult Mitglied
IRIS (https://iris-morphos.com/) hat wieder ein neues Update auf V1.4 erfahren.
Mittlerweile ist der Mailer durchaus schon für alle every-day-Aufgaben geeignet.

Implemented message send scheduling
Added 'Edit as New Without Attachments...' to menus
Added 'Attach File(s)...', 'Remove Attachments' to the writer window's menu
SVG images may now be directly embedded into the email / signature
Fixed folder list sort order when adding/enabling accounts
Added a check against trying to send an email with no recipients set
Brings up an account online when trying to view a message that isn't locally cached
Subject line and mail address text encoding fixes
Fixed Show/Hide all headers menu state after reloading a message in the same view
Added a workaround for broken Subject headers (GMail likes to send them as raw UTF8)
Updated WebKit and other base libs



Kult Mitglied
Inzwischen gibts schon V1.5.

Und Jacad hat was cooles in Arbeit (Zitat aus MorphZone):

Haven't written much here for a while. Iris is mostly complete from my POV, even if I still have a TODO list for it. One notable thing missing is Exchange - that one might never happen. The other, though, is about to change:
While this is a separate application, this will integrate into Iris, creating a suite of apps. Once you have carddav, the next logical step is caldav, of course.


Kult Mitglied
Iris wurde soeben auf V1.6 "geupdated" (was für ein Wortungetüm!)

- Fixed a crash if a new folder was added as an INBOX subfolder on the server
- Settings UI improvements, missing help bubbles, etc
- External image viewer option for image attachments in mail reader
- Autoconfiguration disabled for POP3 entirely. While POP3 accounts may still be
manually added, they are eventually going to be deprecated in Iris entirely
- Updated all localizable strings to use safe formatting tokens since some of the
translations would cause Iris to crash
- Updated WebKit, cURL and other libraries


Kult Mitglied
Es wurde soeben noch eine kleine Fehlerbereinigung nachgeschossen:

V1.7 is now out to address the polski.catalog issue. It also fixes 2 crashes I've spotted while testing.


Kult Mitglied
Iris 1.8 ist da! (Link im ersten Post)

- Use the dedicated image viewer when editing mail attachments
- Implemented sorting by address & subject using ICU collation
- Bugfixes
- Updated libcURL and related libs


Kult Mitglied
Jacad hat Iris 1.9 nachgeschossen (BugFix):

1.9 now out to fix a minor regression.


Kult Mitglied
Version (1.10) 1.11 ist da!

Improved scaling of images embedded in email contents in the message writer

- Faster message refresh when viewing a folder - instead of checking the status of all messages, Iris will now check small batches as you scroll
- Faster refreshes of large folders when switching between folders
- Additional message list optimizations and fixes
- Improved scaling of images embedded in email contents in the message writer
- Updated WebKit

Wie immer hier: https://iris-morphos.com/
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Kult Mitglied
Und auch hier hat Jacad nachgelegt:

IRIS 1.12 now available for download!

- Improved message previews, added loading animation
- Improved HTML message sanitization
- Fixed handling of deleted messages in the reader
- Undo/Redo buttons in text editor get enabled/disabled as undo status changes
- Display more information on errors when loading a message into the reader view
- Added an additional check and requester before sending an email with an empty To field

Downloadlink oberer Post!


Kult Mitglied
Jacad hat ein paar Fixes nachgeschoben:

Iris version 1.13 is now available for download!

- Two column mode fixes and optimizations
- Fixed performance issues when opening mail in a new reader window
- MUI peformance workarounds


Kult Mitglied
Mit dem heutigen neuen MorphOS Release 3.18, ist auch eine neue IRIS-Version (V1.14) rausgekommen. Sie befindet sich auf der MOS-CD, kann aber auch wie immer unter obigen Link heruntergeladen werden.

Die Neuerungen:

- Added 'Autosave Emails' feature which will save messages as you write them and restore
them in case Iris or another app have crashed
- Sends scheduled emails with date set to scheduled send time
- Folder message count fixes


Kult Mitglied
IRIS V1.15 wurde als Fehlerbereinigung nachgeschoben - siehe Wayfarer!


Kult Mitglied
IRIS V3.16 ist da - und es wurde wieder viel gemacht:

All operations that can potentially modify a lot of messages are now done in stages to avoid timing out while server copies/deletes/etc the messages
Added progress to more message operations
Avoids reloading message list when deleting emails
Improved the Find Messages window's UI
Return key in the message editor now creates paragraphs instead of line breaks (hold shift to insert a line break)
Warns when trying to quit while there's still write operations running on server, etc
Improved CSS sanitization when viewing emails authored using Outlook
Implemented Auto-Update
Worked around a problem that caused longer subject lines with non-ASCII characters would sometimes end up with extra spaces added inside words
Fixed to refresh folder contents after deleting all messages in it
Fixed a case where Find Messages could get stuck forever when doing an advanced search
Fixed a case where message finder could continue working even after closing Find Messages window
Fixed a case where upon selecting a folder, the active message wouldn't automatically load
Updated WebKit and associated libraries
Added Polish translation

Wie immer hier: https://iris-morphos.com/


Kult Mitglied
Iris wurde auf Version 1.17 angehoben und gleichzeitig die neue Applikation "Kontakte" integriert. Damit ist wieder ein großer Sprung gemacht worden. Iris wird immer besser.
Die automatische Updatefunktion interiert das selbstständig beim normalen Update.


Iris now comes with a brand new Contacts application
In email viewer, the gray circle with sender's initials will show his photo if you have one configured in your contacts, including remote images from Google Contacts or iCloud contacts. Clicking on the circle will bring up the contact in Contacts application or show an Add Contact window
Email address auto-complete will perform lookups of your contacts and prioritize the results
Right clicking on an email in the address string will let you open the associated contact
Added a workaround for broken servers that don't handle message ID messagesets correctly in IMAP FETCH command
Fixes in the email autocomplete string class
Implemented support for List-Unsubscribe MIME header
HTML text editor tweaks

Details wie immer hier: https://iris-morphos.com/


Kult Mitglied
Iris klettert die Leiter weiter nach oben:

IRIS 1.18

  • Updated to match changes in Contacts application
  • Updated curl, mysql and other libs

Contacts 1.1​

  • Implemented Digest Authorization
  • Implemented NICKNAME support in CardDAV
  • Configurable sort by first or last name
  • Fixed aspect ratio of cropped contact photos (iCloud) appearing in other applications

Details (no surprise) wie immer hier: https://iris-morphos.com/


Kult Mitglied
Iris hat ebenso wie Wayfarer heute ein Update erfahren. Und Kalenderdaten können jetzt auch verwendet werden:

Iris 1.21 is now available. Changes since the last public release:

- Added an option to block loading of any external assets (images, css, etc) used in HTML emails. When enabled, Iris will only show images attached to the email itself. External content may still be loaded using context menu
- Double-clicking a message in Drafts will now open it in Edit mode
- Right mouse click on the messages list selects the clicked email
- Added a help bubble to the messages list
- Extended the AREXX WRITE command
- It's now possible to create and send calendar invitations in emails
- Updated WebKit & co


Kult Mitglied
Zum VCARD-Import ist noch zu bemerken, das dieser erst ab VCARD-Version 3.0 funktioniert. Für ältere Versionen will sich Jacad vielleicht noch was überlegen.
Es gibt aber einen Trick für so alte VCARDs:

In einen EDITOR mit "Suchen" und "Ersetzen" Funktion laden und dann folgendes suchen und ersetzen (alle im ganzen File):

VERSION:2.x         VERSION:3.0
CELL                TYPE=CELL
PREF                PREF=1

Dann sollte es klappen. Sehr gut geht das mit MorphED.

Leider kann man (noch) nicht die YAM-Adressdaten importieren. Hier müsste wer einen AREXX-converter schreiben.......
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Kult Mitglied
Still und leise auf leisen Sohlen......schleicht sich die V1.22 herein....!

Iris 1.22 is now out!

- Search window will now show partial results while the search is pending
- Fixed search window's results to remove messages as they get deleted
- Improved timezone information sent in calendar events
- Calendar events are now attached twice to be compatible with both Outlook and Gmail

Contacts 1.2:

- Improved handling of legacy VCARD formats


Kult Mitglied
Wieder was neues von IRIS:

Iris 1.25 is now available. Changes since 1.22:

- Fixed overriding folder function in Folder Settings
- Fixed Insert Link appending http:// for some valid protocols like mailto
- Fixed issues related to viewing emails with Iris' install path containing special characters


Kult Mitglied
Iris V1.26 wurde nachgeschoben (Fixes):

Fixed a regression when creating event invites
Updated WebKit to 2.44.0


Kult Mitglied
Auch hier gehts weiter:

Iris 1.28 is now available!

The new version improves local message cache synchronization performance, makes local caching configurable on a per-folder basis. Insert Image and Insert Link popups got remote image support.
The WebKit core was updated to 2.44.2, like in the latest Wayfarer.