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IRIS - der MorphOS Email-client


Kult Mitglied
Und wieder ein Versionssprung. Ich muss sagen, schön langsam stehts IRIS den "Großen" nichts mehr nach.

Iris 1.31 is now available for download!

- Don't show a 'Failed to obtain message body' error message if message doesn't have a body
- Updated cURL
- Implemented folders list context menu
- Mail list context menu improvements
- Implemented attachment icons in message lists
- Delete/Backspace keys may now be used to quickly delete messages (disabled by default)
- Added more spacing before quoting the original mail in replies

Changes in Contacts

- Fixed a bug that prevented various I/O operations from working after transitioning from a background service to a full-blown MUI application
- Contact editing fixes and improvements
- Fixed a regression when editing a photo of a contact
- UI layout fixes in main window


Kult Mitglied
Jacad hat noch eine Bereinigung nachgeschossen:

Iris 1.32 out to address some minor issues

- Fixed a regression with read/unread flags not being updated correctly when the remote state changed
- Improved the folder list context menu


Kult Mitglied
Iris V1.33 ist da:

- Restored context menus over folder and message list title rows
- Narrow view message list title row now has a sleeker menu for quicker access to sorting and filtering modes
- Implemented the ability to add a custom button to the toolbar


Kult Mitglied
Iris hat ein weiteres Update erfahren:

Jacad wrote: 1.34 out now!

- Fixed a crash during update check on some configurations
- Fixed a crash when editing a message in a locally mapped folder
- Fixed not to duplicate messages when editing a message in locally mapped folder or local storage
- Increased mail filter string length limit
- Updated WebKit and associated libraries
- Shows a popup window w/ progress bar when downloading an update

Download wie immer hier: https://iris-morphos.com/iris.lha


Kult Mitglied
Neue Version 1.36 welche einen Workround für das Anzeigen (Browserfenster) von GMAIL hat. Ob das auch das in Morphzone angesprochene Lizenzproblem löst, ist wohl noch offen....

Iris 1.36 is now available for download and via auto-update.

This version moves authentication of GMail/Outlook/Yahoo mail into a browser window presented within Iris, instead of launching Wayfarer. Several minor issues were also fixed.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Kult Mitglied
Iris 1.39 ist da (Sprung über 3 Releases) - hat sich wieder einiges getan!

Jacad wrote: Iris 1.39 is now out:

Changes since the last public release:

- Location of the folder caches may now be changed in settings

- Faster displaying of messages that have already been downloaded to disk
- When marking all messages in a folder as read, perform the action in steps instead of trying to mark all messages at once to workaround Outlook servers timing out

- Caching email contents locally is now several times faster
- Enabling caching for folder or account immediately starts downloading all emails
- Disabling local cache for folder or account wipes all downloaded emails
- Fixed a bug where email address autocomplete wouldn't pick up any results from Contacts
- Fixed a bug in SelectAll/None/Unread functionality when used from the mail list context menu


Kult Mitglied
Heute kam die V1.40 nach - sie hat ein paar Verbesserungen und behebt ein paar Fehler.

1.40 is out with some minor improvements and bug fixes

- Iris will now warn before quitting while it's still synchronizing local caches
- Emails with calendar event attachments are now marked with a calendar icon in the messages list
- Improved cache path validation code
- Fixed synchronization progress bar disappearing too early
- Fixed a bug where the cache path could change to PROGDIR: when changing unrelated settings


Kult Mitglied
Iris ist in der V1.44 erschienen:

- Improved and further optimized downloading new messages to local cache
- Fixed a regression when adjusting event times
- Uses more threads when downloading messages from mail.runbox.com
- Fixed a race condition in contacts search

- Improvements to error handling when downloading new messages to local cache
- Fixed a race condition in the address search sub-system
- Fixed attachment handling to use offline data only when a message has already been cached

- Added the ability to respond to calendar invites
- Added the ability to cancel a previously created event
- Added a per-account default BCC setting that allows hassle-free copies of all sent emails to be forwarded to a list of preconfigured addresses
- Sent messages list fixed to display event attachments

- Minor tweaks to cache path handling


Kult Mitglied
Und auch gleich noch eine Fehlerbereinigung hinten nach:

V 1.45:
Fixed a memory corruption bug when cancelling some synchronization jobs
Connection management fixes


Kult Mitglied
V 1.46 wurde nachgereicht:

- A message would fail to display if opened while Iris is still connecting to the account and the folder is locally cached but the message was not yet downloaded
- Refactored cache download multithreaded code to fix remaining bugs and allow reuse
- Limited the number of simultaneous downloaders for Yahoo accounts due to server connection limits